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Snacks are one of the 11 types of Food categories that exist in Pou. They represent both snacks and real-life cookies. There are currently 7 foods that represent the snacks' category.


Food Benefits Price Unlock
Pretzel +10%


 3 Level 1
Salty Cracker +10%


 3 Level 10
Honey Cracker +10%


 3 Level 10
Potato Chips +10%


 6 Level 20
Tortilla Chips +10%


 6 Level 20
Cookie +23%


 8 Level 30
Gingerbread +23%


 8 Level 30


Achievement Description Reward
Eat each kind of Snacks once  100
Eat each kind of Snacks 3 times  200
Eat each kind of Snacks 9 times  300


  • Snacks, along with candy and desserts, are the only food categories whose items that can increase Pou's fun bar.
  • The snacks contain the only food item that is commemorative: the Gingerbread cookie (generally attributed to Christmas).
  • The most expensive foods cookie and gingerbread (both  8).
Food (list)
Breakfast Candy Snacks
Fast Food Fruits Vegetables
Soups Sushi Sea Food
Desserts Drinks
v · e · d Food (list)
Breakfast Candy Snacks Fast Food Fruits Vegetables Soups Sushi Sea Food Desserts Drinks