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The car is a vehicle in Pou. It can be customized by 3 ways: by the model, by color and also by the wheel.


Model Price Unlock

Only colors:  2499

White: Owned

Colors: Level 30

 3499 Level 60
 4499 Level 90
 5999 Special

When purchasing a car model, the wheels are also changed to the most basic wheel model, along with the color of the car that was chosen. However, when purchasing a model, the remaining colors remain unpurchased and the wheels must be purchased separately. The value of the car's color will depend on the vehicle model.


The car appears in only one game:

Hill Drive


In order for the car to work better when playing Hill Drive, the only game possible to play with the car, it's necessary to carry some maintenances to make the car work better. There are 3 possible mechanisms to be added to the car: engine, suspension and tire.


This mechanism makes the car go faster. The speed of the car will be doubled with each level chosen. This mechanism is also applied to the reverse.


This mechanism makes the car bounce less. As a result, when driving the car, it will roll over less often. This mechanism is also applied to the reverse, however, the amount of suspension applied will always be 1 level less. (Ex: if the player chose suspension level 4, the suspension related to the car's reverse would be level 3).


This mechanism makes the tires slide less, improving the car's braking. Unlike other mechanisms, it is not applied to the reverse of the car. Note: On ice terrain, the mechanism will only work half way, as the ice terrain is smooth.

All mechanisms can be choose since the level 1 to level 10 (9 levels are available to be choose), and they can be reduced futurely, since after bought. The price of the levels are:

Levels Price
Level 1  90
Level 2  110
Level 3  130
Level 4  150
Level 5  170
Level 6  190
Level 7  210
Level 8  230
Level 9  250

Each level will be  20 more expensive than the previous level. By default, Pou comes without any levels in any of the engines.

Note: After choose the level 9, the player will have the level 10, being the biggest level to be chose.

Car Sound

When playing Hill Drive, it will make an engine revving sound effect each time the player accelerates the car.



  • Some car models can works better in some specific Hill Drive terrains: the Jeep model () can work better into the mud terrain, while the Santa model () can work better into the snow terrain.