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Food is extremely important for maintaining Pou's health and reducing its hunger level/replenishing its Food level, as well as increasing Pou's size from a baby to an adult. Some food items also have effects on other stats. There are many types of food to purchase from the Shop.

Players can check the type(s) or amount of food their Pou has by tapping the Fridge icon once (which is found at the bottom left of the Kitchen screen). Once tapped, all of the food the player's Pou has will appear. On the icon is where players can buy more food for their Pou. Feeding Pou is very simple, the player first selects the type of food they want to feed to their Pou. Then, the player needs to drag the food to Pou's mouth so Pou can eat it.

Food Categories

Main article: List of food

To date, there are 11 different categories.

Breakfast Candy Snacks

Fast Food Fruits Vegetables

Soups Sushi Sea Food

Desserts Drinks