List of bugs, cheats and glitches in Pou

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The following is a list of bugs, cheats and glitches that can be done in Pou.

Music and sounds turn off

As early as the first edition from 2012, if the player exits the game and goes back again, the music and the sound effects will be muted. You can revert it back to the in-game settings. Some devices don't have this bug.

Level cheat bug


  1. A Pou should get lots of food and potions. When it is done (for approximately 4.5 minutes), Pou has its level grown up for one.
  2. Feed your Pou (do not overfeed), then exit Pou by pressing the menu button or home screen button, go to settings, and change the date so the date is 1 day later than the current (ex: change July 4, 2013 to July 5, 2013), restart Pou and do the same thing repeatedly.
  3. Visit several Pous and play with them.
  4. Some hacking utilities, except for adding coins, also offer to change the level of a Pou.
  5. Feed Pou only with foods that give 50%, and use Fat Burners repeatedly.

Tireness bug

This bug can be done when playing any minigame. Energy has to be at least 37%. Play non-stop, and sometimes check Pou's energy. When Pou's energy is 30% or less, and when clicking "Resume" or "Restart" on the pause menu of the game, the game does not get interrupted by the "Too Tired!" screen, which is seen when clicking "Quit" then "Play".

Dirtiness bug

To do this bug, wash Pou normally with the Soap in the Bathroom, when it gets dirty. Then, do not touch the Shower, instead, go outside or play a game. Get back to Pou's house. Then, Pou's soap is no longer visible, meaning the Shower is not that important as well.

Outside Sky level bug

To do this bug, stay for too long outside (from at least 1pm to 9pm, without touching anything which affects the sky level). When it is 9pm (or any other time known for being at night), get home, go outside, and the sky is at its level at the appropriate current time.

This bug is no longer done due to an update that fixes most of Pou's errors.

  • An alternate method can be done. Instead of waiting for times, the only thing to do is to change the time zone to times it's night.

Bugs involving the Goal minigame

Beyond The Goal

A moment taken during the using of the Goal glitch. This occurs if it's done correctly.

To do this, get outside to the playground, or go to Game Room and choose Goal. Then, shoot the ball with a strong swipe of the finger, always angled. If done correctly, the ball will go beyond the goal, then return to its normal start position.

Beyond the start position

Do the same. However, shoot on an angle opposite of the one when you want to go it beyond the goal. If done correctly, you'll hear two to three hits of the ball (sound varies depending on the ball sound).

Bugs involving the Pool minigame

Invisible Pou

To do this glitch, play Pool normally by accessing from the Game Room or going outside (Playground section). You now have to drag exactly to the right (in a perfect straight line) several times until Pou becomes invisible. Pou will become visible again if you go home, or ride the car/skateboard.

Floating Pou bug

a moment taken correctly of the pool glitch
a moment taken correctly of the pool glitch

To do this, go to games and select Pool, or go outside and go to the playground, then select Pool. The white circle must be in the middle of the pool. When it is, throw the floater backwards. Pou should be above the pool.

Note: Doing this trick wrongly will result in the floater zooming back to where it should be thrown. The floater must be in the exact middle of the pool.

Status bug

Launch Pou normally if you haven't, then press a menu button (Apple devices) or the home screen or back button (Android devices) or a back button on BlackBerry devices. Go to Settings on your phone and set the date and time to any (e.g. set September 7, 2014 to April 15, 2016). Setting for too long (for more than one year), everything Pou's will be 0%. Then set back to the current date and time.

Sleep Time Bug

Let Pou sleep normally. Then, set just the time, not the date, and restart Pou and its energy is full. Then turn on the light, and set the current time back to normal.

Size bug

To do this, buy about 30 items of junk food and fifteen Fat Burners. Feed it until it won't, and then use the Fat Burner, and start over. If your Pou is 50% adult (or a Child), wait at least 5 minutes, or more if it is less than 50% adult.

Pou Sounds cheat

To do this, take a sheet of paper, launch Pou and go to Pou Sounds. Then, you should draw each 4 points. And, when the round is done, cross a line. Make a table of 4 columns. The first one is "Red", the second is "Green", the third is "Blue" and the fourth is "Yellow". Then, you can easily get achievements.


  • Follow the round while drawing dots.

Keeping Pou as a baby without paying  99

To keep Pou a baby, all you have to do is not feed it and use a Max Potion to fill its hunger bar without feeding it. This can also work with other bars if it is possible.

Naked Pou glitch

There isn't any exact way how to trigger the glitch, but if you access any game and Pou is without any overalls, this is the said glitch. This doesn't happen if Pou already hasn't any overalls.

Find Pou cheat

To do this, you have to play find Pou, put your finger on the cup where Pou is, and follow your finger, you can easily find Pou.

Goal cheat

If you want to win every goal round then just go slowly to the green box then you will win. If the green box is moving try to make it a bit faster. You can do this in Pool too.

Connect 2 glitch

In order to achieve this glitch, the player must open Connect 2. The player should make any match, and as the Pous fall, the player must quickly tap on the home screen. When the player returns, some Pous will be seen bobbing up and down. You may have to try this multiple times before you get it.

Match Tap Invisible glitch

In Match Tap, the player must tap quickly on any matching Pou color. The press the home button of your device, and resume, there will be a large hole on the screen where the Pous should be.

Errors involving the Country flags

Main article: Countries
  • The eagle on the Sticker version of the Albanian flag is white instead of black.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina is simply written as Bosnia.
  • The Czech Republic (Czechia) is simply written as Czech.
  • South Korea is simply written as Korea, and North Korea is excluded from the game.
  • The Sticker variant of the Philippine flag has only two stars and not three.
  • The Sticker variant of the Swiss flag is shaped like a rectangle and not a square.
  • The Sticker variant of the flag of the United States has only one star, making it similar to the flag of Liberia, which is not in the game.
  • The Sticker variant of the Venezuelan flag has only five stars as opposed to eight.
  • North Macedonia is called "Macedonia". Despite the game updating several times after the country's name change in 2019, the old name is still kept.
  • The 'Maple leaf' model and the leaf used in the Canadian sticker flag are different.
  • Three flags use the same style to symbolize a coat of arms in their sticker variants: Ecuador, Slovakia and Spain.

Camera not working

Before the 1.4.93 update, the camera used to stop working.

Micro thinking it's recording bug

When Pou is in the Hall, tap repeatedly on the Micro and stop when it says it's Off. The Micro will be seen pulsing like it does when it's recording even though it's Off. (You may have to do this multiple times)
