Poupedia:Code of Conduct
- This is a page about Poupedia's policies, check the global policies for rules applied to all Miraheze wikis.
Poupedia's code of conduct consists of certain norms that every users in the wiki need to follow. Please read and always keep them in mind when you are interacting on Poupedia.
- Articles must have a decent amount of information, do not make short pages.
- Articles mustn't have excessive information from other sources.
- Articles must be cited with references.
- This rule isn't applied to articles related to Pou's mechanics.
- Articles mustn't be written with artificial intelligence.
- Articles mustn't have violent, scary and/or pornographic content.
- If you don't know how to use templates, visit this page or contact a staff member.
Talk pages
- Be respectful of others, even if their views of things are different than yours.
- Give other users chances to explain what they think. If they are being rude about it, contact a staff member.
- If you are having an issue with another user, contact a staff member.
- Do not insult any of the other users.
- Vulgar language is not permitted in the talk pages, and neither are discriminatory slurs, harsh slang words, or sexual comments.
- Use proper English words. American and British English are both acceptable, but try to be consistent in writing pages.
- Do not create pages that are useless to the wiki.
- Add a photo to every page that needs one, but do not make double photos.
- Do not enter your own opinion into articles, categories and/or templates.
When choosing your username, do NOT:
- Make it out of just numbers
- Have any harsh language in it.
You should choose a username that means something to you.
Socking is when someone creates a different account and uses it to insult other users or behave inappropriately, these types of accounts are known as sockpuppets. If this happens, see below for the banning rules.
New information
When a new update or feature is privately announced, refrain from adding information to the wiki until its official unveiling through sources such as official social media posts, or when the game itself undergoes an update. This policy is in place to mitigate leaks and maintain confidentiality. It is preferable to wait for a one-week period before adding the new information into the wiki. Leaks are strictly prohibited.
Vulgar/offensive language
- First Offense- Warning
- Subsequent Offenses- One week ban
Harassment/inappropriate behavior
- First Offense- Warning
- Second Offense- One week ban
- Third Offense- One month ban
- Subsequent Offenses- Permanent ban
- First Offense- One week ban
- Second Offense- One month ban
- Subsequent Offenses- Permanent ban
Posting shock content on pages
NOTE: This will apply to pornography, gore, and any other content with the intention of disturbing readers.
- First Offense- Permanent ban
Hate speech and/or slurring
- First Offense- Permanent ban
Unacceptable username
NOTE: This will only apply to usernames with harsh language.
- First Offense- Indefinite ban
- That ban can be lifted when the username is changed with a more appropriate naming and meaning.
Using a fake account
NOTE: This will apply to both the main and fake accounts.
- First Offense- One month ban
- Second Offense- Permanent ban
Engaging in socking
NOTE: This will apply to both the main and sockpuppet accounts.
- First Offense- Permanent ban
Leaking new information
- First Offense- Warning
- Second Offense- Three days ban
- Third Offense- One week ban
- Fourth Offense- One month ban
- Subsequent Offenses- Permanent ban