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==Game room==
The game room is the fun thing about Pou,. itIt is where you keep your pouPou happy and fill it's funhappiness bar. There is a game button, where you can play many types of fun games with your Pou and other Pous. When Pou iswas just released, there iswere only about five games in the selection,. in In the latest updates, however, there are now a huge twelve games and new games are coming every month. Beside the game button,there is a ball,. ballsBouncing the ball around fill up youyour pouPou's funhappiness bar when you flick it across the room,you.  You start with a plain, white, small ping-pong ball, but you can buy huge and fancy balls in the shop.and asAs usual, the shop button is on the far right on the room.
The bedroom is the most important room for Pou, it is where Pou sleeps. When the energy bar is empty, pou's eyes will droop and it will yawn constantly. also, pou's health bar will slowly decrease and pou will get sick  if you dont give it a health potion in the lab. There is the lamp button, which you send Pou to sleep by tapping on it to turn it off. There is the closet button, which allows you to change pou's clothes more easily.