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You can earn achievements for eating each type once or for eating a few times. If you feed Pou when the hunger bar is full, Pou will become fat and slowly lose health if you continue to fatten it. The kitchen has the food that Pou eats, but Pou doesn’t like that food when you feed the same food over and over again. which you feed to Pou by dragging the food to Pou's mouth and letting go. There is a fridge button, which shows you all the foods you have so far and, as usual, there is the shop icon.
When Pou gets hungry, hisits eyes become different and chatterbegin to shake.
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The hall is one of the rooms that let Pou talk and go outside. There are tips that wallpapers can be changed, and a Pou (if registered) can visit other Pous, meaning Pous can visit friends. It is not that important as it is also fun when you let himit talk to the Micro (tapping on it turns off, then tapping again can turn it back on, and vice versa) and heit repeats, in a chipmunk-like voice. No things are actually known for being customized except for wallpapers.
