Sea Food

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Sea Food is one of the 11 categories of Food in Pou. They consist of foods based on fish and deep-sea animals. There are only 7 foods in this category.

Sea Foods

Food Benefits Price Unlock
Sardine +15% 8 Level 10
Shrimp +15% 8 Level 10
Mussel +25% 15 Level 15
Scallop +25% 15 Level 15
Squid +30% 23 Level 20
Octopus +30% 23 Level 20
Lobster +50% 60 Level 30


Achievement Description Reward
Eat each kind of Sea Food once 100 + Ninja outfits
Eat each kind of Sea Food 3 times 200
Eat each kind of Sea Food 9 times 300


  • Lobster is the most expensive food in the entire game.
  • Lobster, also, along with some soups, is the food that gives Pou the most satiety (50%).
  • Some seafood is used in sushis, but none of the seafood used there exists in this category.