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== Very Happy==
When all of Pou's stats are at their highest amounts, Pou will also be happier. This Pou feeling occurs when all of hisits stats are between 90 and 100%, but at least 3 of all statuses must be at that amount. Pou shows that heit is very happy by laughing several times, opening a smile.
Status: [[File:Statusveryhappy.png|frameless|link=]]
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This is Pou's most common status. By the way, 90% of all your emotions are happiness. In fact, for the developers, this feeling is called "Good", as it is where Pou is neither sad nor overly happy. HeIt won't show anything, just hisits mouth will be in the shape of a small, simple smile. There is no appropriate status for this type of feeling, but as long as it is less than 90% (all statuses) and greater than 50% (all statuses).
==Dissatisfied (Serious)==
Pou will become serious if all of hisits stats are low, especially hisits fun bar. A common factor is that at least two status bars are less than 50% (not counting the health bar). Pou can also be unhappy even if all statuses are at 100%, but with the fun bar at zero (0%). Pou, when serious, will have a straight mouth. You can still pet himPou.
Pou will be sad if heit hasn't played in a while and hisits fun bar is very low. HeIt may also become sad if all attributes are zero or very low (both with the exception of food status). HisPou's mouth is shaped with sadness.
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Pou becomes hungry when hisits hunger bar drops below 31%. When Pouthis is hungryhappens, hisPou's eyes are full of tears (moving from one side to the other, twice a second) and hisits mouth is serious. It also can happenshappen when is giving to Pou a hunger potion. You can't pet him,it asat he won'tthis carestate.
Status: [[File:Hungerstatus.png|frameless|71x71px|link=]]
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Pou will become sick if hisits Health bar is less than 50%. Pou will have heavy eyes, and will have a large thermometer appearing next to hisits mouth.
Status: [[File:Status sick.png|frameless|71x71px|link]]
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==Trivia ==
* When Pou is hungry, Pou's hungry behavior overrides any of hisits other emotions. (For example, if heit is sad and hungry at the same time, hisits mouth will not be in the shape of sadness, but in the standard shape of hunger).
*Unlike hunger, Pou's sick behavior will be visible alongside any other emotion.
*The value of statuses varies greatly. Read more about [[Status|statuses]].


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